dilluns, 30 de maig del 2016

ANTHONY McCALL. Exposicion en Barcelona.

SOLID LIGHT. Performance and Public Works. 31/5/2016 al 30/10/2016.

La Fundacio Gaspar, dirigida por Moishan Gaspar el biznieto del galerista barcelones Joan Gaspar, expone las obras del artista Anthony McCall (St. Paul's, 1946), que tiene su sede en la calle Montcada (Barcelona), en el Palau Cervelló.

Este artista ha expuesto sus obras en el MOMA de New York y Centre Pompidu de Paris con gran exito.Sus obras son un conglomerado de Cine, luces y dibujo.

SOLID LIGHT. Performance and Public Works. 31/05/2016 to 10/30/2016.

The Fundacio Gaspar, led by the great-grandson Moishan Gaspar of Barcelona gallery owner Joan Gaspar, exposes the artist's works Anthony McCall (St. Paul's, 1946), which is headquartered in the street Montcada (Barcelona), in the Palau Cervelló.

This artist has exhibited his works at the MOMA in New York and Paris Centre Pompidu successfully. His  works are a conglomeration of Cinema, lights and drawing.